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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been a fundamental part of traditional marketing and business for ages. It seems like the topic of funnels in online-based businesses is becoming more popular.

It is clear that people want to know more about this idea and how they could use it in their online businesses marketing strategies. Continue reading if you want to know more about the sales funnel for Internet marketing successful.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel doesn't necessarily mean a funnel. The use of the term "funnel" to describe this marketing concept is simply to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the conclusion. It is a wide entry point for potential customers called "Unqualified Prospects" at the top, and a narrower opening for conversion sales at the bottom. It's a great comparison.

The "unqualified prospects", also known as people who are not qualified are in the middle of the funnel. They may need your products or services but have never been contacted prior to. There will be a lot of opportunities and sales later and you'll have people who have purchased your product or service.

Another reason why a lead-generation funnel idea is so effective is the fact it lets you track potential customers at various levels of the sales process. It is possible to predict the potential number of customers through the sales funnel by knowing the numbers of prospects who are qualified at each stage of the process.

A sales funnel can aid you in determining the areas where your sales strategy fails or succeeds, or whether your campaign is not getting enough customers. This information helps you choose where to put your efforts to ensure that sales are on the right level and to meet marketing goals. It is used to monitor and control the process of selling of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top Front - End

Your sales funnel's top is the most active and important area in your sales process. It is constantly tested. Your imagination and resources will only limit the number of front-end strategies that you could create.

The primary objective of the front-end is going to be to attract potential clients and convert them into buyers later in the selling process.

The prospective client becomes "qualified" once they opt-in or sign up for something you provide. This is when the prospect or "Unqualified Lead" is qualified. This is because they have taken an action that suggests that they might be interested in buying your products or services.

To make your front-end effective, you need to direct targeted traffic to your blog, website or squeeze page blog. PPC advertisements, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posts forums, and other resources are some of the most efficient techniques and sources.

There are many methods that you can use to "qualify the unqualified prospect". A squeeze page is among the most efficient methods to "qualify" the prospects who are not qualified. It allows you to offer something of value that is relevant to your products or service, which customers can get at no cost or at a greatly discounted cost in exchange for the email address they provide. There are a variety of products to choose from such as newsletters, videos, email courses, eBooks, and related reports.

The front-end of your sales funnel is the point where prospects are drawn to your company. But what about the back end?


The Back-End or Bottom of The Funnel

The bottom or back-end of your sales funnel is the place where the majority of sales and profits are generated. It usually contains your higher priced products. They all belong to the same niche however in different formats like audio, video or live interactions.

The main difference between front-end and the back-end is the type of client, and also the price of the product or services that are provided.

While it's true that only 1-2 percent of the people who access the front end will be able to access your back-end, this tiny percent may not be of any significance. This is fine, given the fact that this particular small percentage will invest more money.

You see, that while front end products and services can be priced at less than $100, back-end products and services typically cost in the hundreds or thousands. This means that the bottom of the sales channel which is also known as the back-end is the primary source of income.

The sales funnel can be as complex or simple as you would like to make it, as long you have the proper resources and creativity.

To learn more about how I'm strategizing my content marketing strategy, look at the hyperlink below.

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